Friday, January 8, 2010

Calaveras, Hearts, and Vinyl

This Christmas we were a bit tight on money so it was time to get creative. My fiancè, Andres decided to do a large 4' x 6' vinyl installation in his nieces' bedroom (He's kind of a vinyl guru). She recently turned 10 so I did my best to help him figure out what kind of design I would have liked to have if I were a 10 year old girl. He didn't want something too girly and with an edge. He hand drew the design, scanned it, vectorized it, then took it to the vinyl plotting machine to get cut. Once that was done he hand picked the vinyl, taped it up and that's what you see here:

Next came the application of the piece which became a little tricky because of the glossy paint on the walls. So I helped.
The final piece was applied:

And then the final product came out so awesome that we quickly turned it into a photo booth opportunity! Andres and the new recipient of a one of a kind design:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love love love this! xo, myka