Tuesday, June 3, 2008

lunch break writing

He's the the type of guy that tries to hide his smile. If he knew it made him more attractive, I'm sure he'd hide it that much more. That's the type of guy I like to crack. He looks at you, figuring out whether or not he wants to let you into his circle of friends. You know he'll never introduce you to that circle, but you're okay with that-besides, you don't want to know him on that level. It would break all the mystique the two of you have about each other's lives. For now take what you can get-a hidden smile that you know hides undeniable feelings of being with you. You'll want to hint at him that you accept-that you're now a player of his game-but before you utter a word to him, pull your hair behind one ear and smile. That's his cue to pursue. Next move is on him. Don't worry, you won't have to wait long because, as you already know, he's attracted to you-and his next move will come within the next ten minutes. You wait. After all, you love the cat and mouse chase that's occurring. He's careful not to give you too much attention, after all he's the one that began the game. You're just hoping to get to the finish by the end of the day. 

(I'm trying to write any chance I get-which means lunch breaks! This is exactly what I wrote in my notebook, no editing. I was sitting in a little pastry shop staring out the window, people watching. I was forcing myself to write anything. I usually have a tendency to observe people and write about what I'd imagine their life to be like, so I guess you can say this was sparked by an attractive guy that walked by the window I was peeping out of! Whatever the spark, it got me to write, right?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i jus wanted to stop by and say thank you for your insightful comments! i haven't had an opportunity to read any of yours yet since i've been on the run pretty much jus posting what i run into. but i will definitely take the time to read yours!! God bless!